
Archive for the ‘Occult’ Category

The Pyramid Code

September 8, 2012 Comments off

The Pyramid Code is a made-for-television documentary series of 5 episodes that explores the pyramid fields and ancient temples in Egypt as well as ancient megalithic sites around the world looking for clues to matriarchal consciousness, ancient knowledge and sophisticated technology in a Golden Age. The series is based on the extensive research done in 25 trips to Egypt and 51 other countries around the world by Dr. Carmen Boulter formerly from the Graduate Division of Educational Research at the University of Calgary in Canada.

The Pyramid Code features interviews with prominent scholars and authors in multidisciplinary fields (see Cast): geology, physics, astrophysics, archaeology, bilogical engineering, magnetic field theory, hieroglyphics, and Egyptology. The series explores penetrating questions: * Who were the ancients and what did they know? * Could the pyramids be much older than traditional Egyptology would have us believe? * Could it be that the ancients were more technologically advanced than we are today? * Why do we have so little understanding of the ancient Egyptians? * Are there still secrets hidden in plain sight? * Do new discoveries force the issue of establishing a new chronology? * Are there little known sites that provide clues to a new understanding of our distant past? * Are we really the most advanced civilization to ever live on Earth?

Watch on Hulu or form the YouTube playlist below.

Categories: Egypt, History, India, Occult, Series

The Tenement Ghost

April 12, 2012 Comments off

In the aftermath of World War 1, an expectant bride from a well-to-do family marries her young lover. No happy-ever-after tale this, and The Tenement Ghost draws us swiftly into a sordid world of violence and despair. Yes, it begins well enough, the couple embarking on a grand European honeymoon, but the groom’s thirst for alcohol is shortly apparent.

Returning home to begin their new life together, the bride finds her efforts to nurture the marriage thwarted by her husband’s excessive drinking. He dominates the relationship but spirals into alcoholism, his arrogance and self-loathing manifest in physical and emotional violence. Her rapid transition from starry-eyed bride to battered wife is marked by the appearance of a ghostly apparition and, though we are never sure whether this spectre is real or simply a fantasy borne of her brutal situation, its appearances become more frequent as her personality disintegrates.

The death of their unborn child pushes her ever closer to the edge of sanity until the ghostly visitor’s promptings finally impel her into a last desperate attempt to free herself from torment, bringing the Tenement Ghost to its ghastly and appalling climax. Watch this silent film below on Vimeo, or via HDPlay, Zaala or WatchFreeInHD.

The Tenement Ghost from Twisty-Headed Man Company on Vimeo.

Categories: Drama, Foreign, Occult, Silent

Taboo: Nudity

December 29, 2011 Comments off

From bare-naked witches in Australia to the Festival of the Naked Man in Japan, Taboo examines the cultural significance of nudity.