
Archive for the ‘Science’ Category

History of the World in 2 Hours

September 8, 2012 Comments off

A rapid-fire history of our world, from the beginning of time as we know it to present day. This two-hour CGI-driven special delves into the key turning points: the formation of earth, emergence of life, spread of man and the growth of civilization–and reveals their surprising connections to our world …

What if we could tell you everything? The entire history of the world. Now, what if we told you we could do it in just 2 hours? We’re going to tell the whole story… from the big bang to the present day, how the planet prepared for the rise of man, how the stone age led to the steam engine, how the first seeds sprouted into cities and civilizations. Everything is connected, and the path leads to you. It took history 13.7 billion years to unfold. We’ll show you everything you need to know in the next 2 hours.

Watch below or on YouTubePutLocker, HDPlay, WatchFreeInHD or SockShare.

Categories: History, Science, Society

Secrets of the Sun

September 6, 2012 Comments off

It contains 99.9 percent of all the matter in our solar system and sheds hot plasma at nearly a million miles an hour. The temperature at its core is a staggering 27 million degrees Fahrenheit. It convulses, it blazes, it sings. You know it as the sun.

Scientists know it as one of the most amazing physics laboratories in the universe. Now, with the help of new spacecraft and Earth-based telescopes, scientists are seeing the sun as they never have before and even recreating what happens at its very center in labs here on Earth. Their work will help us understand aspects of the sun that have puzzled scientists for decades.

But more critically, it may help us predict and track solar storms that have the power to zap our power grid, shut down telecommunications, and ground global air travel for days, weeks, or even longer. Such storms have happened before—but never in the modern era of satellite communication. “Secrets of the Sun” reveals a bright new dawn in our understanding of our nearest star—one that might help keep our planet from going dark. Watch below on PBS or on YouTube.

Watch Secrets of the Sun on PBS. See more from NOVA.
Categories: Science, Space

The Genius of Charles Darwin

August 25, 2012 Comments off

The Genius of Charles Darwin is a three-part television documentary, written and presented by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins.

Life, Darwin and Everything. In the first episode Richard Dawkins explains the basic mechanisms of natural selection, and tells the story of how Charles Darwin developed his theory. He teaches a year 11 science class about evolution, which many of the students are reluctant to accept. He then takes them to the Jurassic Coast in Dorset to search for fossils, hoping that the students can see some of the evidence for themselves.
The Fifth Ape. In the second episode Richard Dawkins deals with some of the philosophical and social ramifications of the theory of evolution. Dawkins starts out in Kenya, speaking with palaeontologist Richard Leakey. He then visits Christ is the Answer Ministries, Kenya’s largest Pentecostal church, to interview Bishop Bonifes Adoyo. Adoyo has led the movement to press the National Museums of Kenya to sideline its collection of hominid bones pointing to man’s evolution from ape to human.
God Strikes Back. In the third and final episode, Dawkins explains why Darwin’s theory is one of history’s most controversial ideas. Dawkins uses this episode to discuss the opposition that evolution has experienced since it was first discovered. He starts by approaching various anti-evolutionists, ranging from John Mackay from Creation Research, Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America, to English school teacher Nick Cowen. In order to address concerns they bring up, he shows the evidence for evolution, including fossil and DNA evidence.

Watch the playlist below or start with episode one

Categories: Evolution, Science, Series