Home > Drama, Foreign, Horror, Silent, Thriller > Genuine: A Tale of a Vampire

Genuine: A Tale of a Vampire

January 13, 2012

Rockin’ the best of German Expressionism, this film is a 44-minute condensation of Dr. Caligari director Robert Wiene’s Genuine (1920) . The source print for the full-frame video transfer was a 35mm preservation print from the Raymond Rohauer collection. The print often is contrasty, with bright highlights that often result in lost facial details and sections of overexposed footage, and a few moments of exposure fluctuations. The print is relatively clean, with occasional speckling, dust, emulsion damage, and rough splices. The film is presented with an electric guitar music score composed and performed by Larry Marotta, which does the job of accompanying the film in its unusually spare and quiet way. It’s a must-see for old movie lovers and vampire flick fans alike. Watch below on YouTube or at The Internet Archive.

  1. Some Domestic Goddess
    January 14, 2012 at 12:44 am

    I don’t think I’ve ever actually watched a silent movie before, Gen, and I wasn’t sure I’d like it but I really, really liked this one. Her costumes must have been considered extremely racy back then, especially that body suit with the cut outs. This was a trip!

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